Orthodontics is a specialized subcategory of dentistry that specifically deals with the alignment of your teeth and jaw. If you immediately thought of braces, then you’ve got it right.
This branch deals with the way your teeth fit together when they close, the way the two halves of your jaw line up, whether your teeth are straight, and how much space you’ve got in your mouth for those teeth. All of these things interact with each other to make your chewing, speaking, and biting work properly—or not.
When even one of these things is off, it can make everything else much more difficult than it needs to be. And that’s why we’ve got orthodontists.
Aspen Ridge Dental—Our Partner in Orthodontics
Our office is designed for general practice dentistry. We don’t have the equipment or the staff to provide orthodontic treatment, but we do want you to have access to the kind of quality care you need.
For this purpose, we’ve associated with Aspen Ridge Dental, a nearby office that can provide you with excellent orthodontic treatment. If we see anything that indicates a need for it, we’ll refer you over to Aspen Ridge right away.
What Does Aspen Ridge Dental Provide?
Over at Aspen Ridge, they’ve got a wide variety of treatment options for you to choose from. These include:
Traditional Braces: These are what you might be imagining when you hear the word ‘braces’.
This is a time-tested way to adjust teeth. In its modern form, it’s been around since the 1800s, and has done its job admirably through all that time. Before that, primitive variations of this tooth adjustment have even been found as far back as Ancient Egypt.
With this treatment, your teeth will be fitted with small brackets. These brackets will be connected together with a series of wires that exert calculated pressure on your teeth. As a result of this pressure, they will slowly begin to move into their proper places.
Clear Braces: These are very nearly the same as traditional braces, with one major difference. The material used in clear braces blends right in with your teeth! You’ll be able to have all the benefits of traditional braces treatment, and it will be practically invisible.
Invisalign Clear Aligners: Invisalign aligners take the world of orthodontia in a whole new direction. Instead of wires and brackets, your teeth are adjusted with a clear, high-quality aligner that is custom designed for your teeth.
Invisalign aligners are removable. They’re comfortable. They’re very nearly invisible. Best of all, your treatment doesn’t even need to be adjusted every few weeks. When it’s time to move on to the next stage, simply take out the old aligner and replace it with the next in the series.
Give Us a Call
If you have any questions about dental treatments, feel free to give us a call. For anything related to orthodontia, we’ll refer you over to the experienced and excellent staff at Aspen Ridge Dental.